Endowment Life Insurance
1. f I temporary don’t have enough fund to pay next insurance premium, but I want to continue insurance, what are the possible ways out of this situation?
Payment of insurance premiums can be suspended provided preservation of the contract.
2. Is it possible to conclude several contracts?
Yes, it is. Depending on the sector in which insured works, it is possible to conclude new contract, with the condition that 50% of his income not exceeding.
3. Is it possible to increase or reduce insurance premiums?
Yes, it is. Insurance premiums can be increased or reduced.
4. Can be paid insurance premiums be converted to USD?
Yes, they can. Monthly conversion is available.
5. How can I get consultation on Endowment Life Insurance?
If you have any questions you can call (012) 940 or write on Whatsapp +994 (51) 206 76 80
Term life Insurance
1. What are the benefits of Term Life Insurance?
In case of disability or death of the insured during the term of the contract, he will receive an insurance payment.
2. Which risks does Term Life Insurance cover?
Death of insured Loss of capacity for work of the insured.
3. In what cases is the insurance coverage paid?
Insurance coverage is paid in case of disability or death of insured during the term of the insurance contract.
4. For how long is the insurance contract of Term Life Insurance concluded?
The insurance period can be 1 year and more.
5. How can I get consultation on Endowment Life Insurance?
If you have any questions you can call (012) 940 or write on Whatsapp +994 (51) 206 76 80
Compulsory insurance against loss of professional work capacity as a result of labor accidents and occupational diseases
1. For how long is the insurance contract concluded?
Contract of compulsory insurance is valid for the first year and each subsequent year, completed during the entire period of validity of this contract.
2. How are insurance rates determined?
For servicemen in the range of 0,2-0,5% For laborers in the range of 0,4-2,0%
Kredit həyat sığortası
1. In what cases is the insurance payment provided?
In case of death, 100% of the sum insured is paid, in case of complete or partial disability as a result of illness or accident of the Insured: group 1 disability – 80%; group 2 disability – 60%; group 3 disability – 30% of the sum insured, but not more than 1 500 AZN.
2. For how long is the insurance contract concluded?
Insurance contract can equal to credit term.
3. Are there any age restrictions?
Insurance contract can be concluded by persons aged from 18 to 65 years, but age of Insured can’t be over 65 years old at the time of termination (expiration) of the insurance contract.
Mortgage Life Insurance
1. For how long is the insurance contract concluded?
Insurance contract is concluded for the mortgage maturity – up to a maximum of 360 months.
2. Are there any age restrictions?
Insurance contract can be concluded by persons aged from 18 to 65 years, but age of Insured can’t be over 65 years old at the time of termination (expiration) of the insurance contract.